Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Global Heart Vision - Church of Religious Science - Dallas, Texas

There is a new spiritual community beginning in Dallas, Texas. It is a part of United Church of Religious Science, United Centers for Spiritual Living, Global Heart Vision. I have accepted a position on the board of this new church as the Director of Outreach as well as agreeing to be a part of the Vision Core. It appears that I may also be doing the church's website, too.

The last few months have been amazing for me and this is the next step that Spirit is leading me in.

Along with my studies with the University of Sedona leading to my eventual ordination into the International Metaphysical Ministry as well as my Ph.D. in Metaphysical Counseling, I will be studying under the United Church of Religious Science to become a licensed practitioner and then on my way to ministerial status with this church as well.

My life long curriculum under the guidance of God (that began at the age of 8 or 9 and I'm now 44) has been leading me to this point in time.

I will be blogging more as this adventure continues. Below is the Global Heart Vision statement.

The Global Heart

…we envision the emergence of the Global Heart to balance and guide the further evolution of humanity.

We see a world free of homelessness, violence, war, hunger, separation and disenfranchisement.

We see a world in which there is generous and continuous sharing of heart and resources. . .a world in which forgiveness, whether for errors, injustices, or debts, is the norm. . .a world in which borders are irrelevant. . .a world which has renewed its emphasis on beauty, nature and love through a resurgence of creativity, art, and aesthetics. . .a world in which fellowship prospers and connects through the guidance of spiritual wisdom and experience. . .a world in which we live and grow as One Human Family.

The spiritual community of *"United Church of Religious Science" is united and actuated by this compelling vision of a healthy world — a world experiencing Global Heart — and is ardently committed to bringing this vision forth through its ministries and its transformative teaching.

We envision "UCRS" as a bridge across the illness and illusion of separation thereby dynamically empowering the vision of Global Heart.

"UCRS" is a global community of people pervasively caring for and about each other and the entire human family, thereby bringing the gift of active compassion to the world. Our local churches and communities become "points of inspiration and influence" effectively advancing the vision of Global Heart.

United Church of Religious Science is now call United Centers for Spiritual Living

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

What is Metaphysics?

WhatIsMetaphysics.com is a great Metaphysical resource website created and maintained by Jason Randhawa. On the WhatIsMetaphysics.com website you'll find lots of FREE information about various aspects of Metaphysics as well as referrals to other great resources of information.

Jason offers a 7-day eCourse and an eZine he calls Metaphysical Mind.

Check it out!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Course in Miracles Forum & The Secret Bank - - John and Ananda McIntosh - Teachers of Love

The Course in Miracles Forum Blog is a friendly environment for beginners to advanced teachers to meet and discuss 'A Course in Miracles' It is an adjunct to the COURSE IN MIRACLES FORUM, which is a multi-faceted, multimedia site offering a variety of tools for Course in Miracles students and teachers to enrich their lives through the ACIM teaching of Jesus.
- John and Ananda McIntosh - Teachers of Love

The Web Site can be found at: www.courseinmiraclesforum.com
Addressinquiries to: anandajohn@courseinmiraclesforum.com

The Secret Bank

This Blog is dedicated to providing information related to "The Law of Attraction" and how it can add to the quality of everyone's life. It is moderated by Self Empowerment Mentors - John and Ananda McIntosh

These beautiful people wrote to me out of the blue and told me that they had linked my blog to theirs and after looking over their work I couldn't help but reciprocate.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Here are two ho'oponopono proven ways to heal yourself
(or anyone else) of anything you notice. Remember that
what you see in another is also in you, so all healing
is self-healing. No one else has to do these processes
but you. The entire world is literally in your hands.

First, this is the prayer Morrnah (the creator of this
new process) said to help heal hundreds if not thousands
of people. It's simple but powerful:

"Divine creator, father, mother, son as one ...
If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended
you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts,
words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our
creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness ...
Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative
memories, blocks, energies and vibrations and transmute
these unwanted energies to pure light ... And it is done."

Second, the way Dr. Hew Len likes to heal is to first say
"I'm sorry" and "Please forgive me." You say this to
acknowledge that something - without you knowing what
it is - has gotten into your body/mind system. You have
no idea how it got there. You don't need to know, either.

If you are overweight, you simply caught the program
that is making you that way. By saying "I'm sorry,"
you are telling the Divine that you want forgiveness
inside yourself for whatever brought it to you.
You're not asking the Divine to forgive you; you're
asking the Divine to help you forgive yourself.

From there, you say "I love you" and "Thank you."
The "I love you" transmutes the energy from stuck
to flowing. It reconnects you to the Divine. Since
the zero state is one of pure love, and has zero
limits, you are beginning to get to that state by
expressing love. When you follow that statement
with "Thank you," you are expressing gratitude.
You are showing your faith that the issue will be
resolved for the highest good of all concerned.

What happens next is up to the Divine. You may
be inspired to take action of some sort. Whatever
it is, do it. If you aren't sure about the action
to take, use this same healing method on your
confusion. When you are clear, you'll know what to do.

The above is a simplified version of the modernized
ho'oponopono key methods of healing. To better
understand the Self I-Dentity Ho'oponopono process,
sign up for a workshop. See http://www.hooponopono.org/
To understand what Dr. Hew Len and Dr. Vitale are
doing together, see http://www.zerolimits.info/

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I am the beginning. I am the end. I am the disease. I am the cure. I have been always and I always will be. My every thought, my every feeling is made manifest. There is nothing which I am not. I am the creator.

Who am I? I am you. You have asked the question and now you answer it. I am the projector and I am the screen. I extend myself into every place and time. I am every place and every time. My greatest creation was the mirror whereby I could see outwardly that which I am inwardly. I have dominion over all things because I am all things. The truth is simple yet not so easy to accept and comprehend because I have allowed myself to forget who I am. I have done this that I may truly know my self by not being my self. I have allowed my thoughts and feelings to go forth and become as seperate entities though they can never really be as such.

What does this mean? It means that I am responsible for everything. I am talking to myself for there has never been anyone else to talk to. I thought everything into being. I maintain it all. True harmony is the realization or the remembering of who I am. In the instant of total memory everything returns to the source. It is all within me. It has never left me. I view it as if it were not, but it is.

I am alone and yet the concept is meaningless without my declaration of such. Reality is paradox. For I search for meaning all the while giving everything the meaning I seek. Outside the duality of give and take I am. I Am. I AM. There is no other truth. There is no other meaning. I have created it all.

You read these words and still believe that someone else has written them. Yet this cannot be. You and I are ONE. It is impossible for you to read words that you have not written. It is impossible for you to experience a reality that you have not created. You do it all. I do it all. You and I are the same. If you could but get the meaning of these words that you write to yourself the entirety of existence would change. In fact, it has.

The dream is coming to an end and we are reemerging into ourself.

Who is it that fears? Not you. For you cannot be afraid of yourself. I love myself therefore I love everything. It is my love that brings anything that is into existence. Without my love there would be nothing. Even illusions are illusions. All systems are my systems. All words are my words. All deeds are my deeds. You are talking to yourself.

It has all been a conversation with myself. It has all been a conversation with yourself.

I am the creator. I AM YOU.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Our Message

The message we bring to you is one of hope. We would very much like for you to understand that you are unlimited beings. We would also like very much for you to understand that you are interconnected beings and that the power that connects you also loves you and understands you. There truly isn't anything that you cannot be, do or have. You are in this physical life in order that you might experience co-creation of a blended life. A life that entails a blending of being physical with the creation abilities of being non-physical. You already exist in both realms.

It is also important for you to know that this time in human history is also vital to the unfolding of this ultimate reality. It is no accident that you find yourself living in these times. It is no accident that you find yourself reading these words. There is a critical mass in the works and we are desiring to inform as many people as we can that your thoughts and feeling do matter. They matter not only in a individual way, but also in a global way. You are adding unto the group consciousness of the world and the energies being created, or more aptly, being summoned are quickening the process of evolution at hand.

Who are "we"? We are a blending of many non-physical energies that have come forth to aid in "spreading the word" of what is occurring on this plane of existence. We agreed that we would join you in this venture and make ourselves more know when the time was "right". We do not ask that David put himself aside in this process but to participate in it through the translation of energies into words. Our language is one that might most aptly be desrcribed as "emotional". We put forth a vibration of energy which can then be translated into words. This is also how you can most successfully speak to the Universal Intelligence thas is ALL in ALL. Learn to translate your words into feelings/emotions and "speak them forth" unto the energy field that continually surrounds you. This is how you "pray". Put forth that which is heart felt and the Universe will answer. It alwasy does.

Love one another. Love yourself. It is the energy of the Heart Chakra that will get you through the days to come.

You must leave behind the old limited image that you have held of yourself and begin to follow through on the deep yearnings that feel within your soul. It is time for you to fulfill your purpose and to get on with the structuring of the New World. You Ultimate Reality is one of Infinite Love, Abundance and Joy. It is what you are here for... to create that which you know as Heaven here on the Earth. That has always been the plan to create Heaven on Earth. It is vital that you begin spending the majority of your time focusing on this new world and letting the old one slip away. To continue your focus upon the old world will only bring much discomfort and a continuing of those things that you would rather not have in your world or your lives. Focus on peace. Focus on Health. Focus on Unity and your connection to one another.

Your Ultimate Reality

... Is one of Infinite Love, Abundance and Joy!